More and more countries in Europe are tending to the right or even extreme right wing in the political field: Italy and England after recent elections but also France, Belgium (slightly but surely) and others. Interestingly, the newspaper Le Monde is linking this to the fact that people get older and live longer. Older people are more conservative, more suspicious towards progression or indeed change of any kind and more influenceable by eloquent speeches on 'safety'.
I thought this was a valuable analysis. At least it allowed me to have a better insight in political changes in Europe. Though I am not convinced. I won't go into details or into a discussion, because it's not supposed to be my first concern these days (which seem kidnapped from me by thesis work), but it's an interesting point. Isn't it?
PS I suspect that Boris Johnson, new right wing mayor of London, dyes his hair... (or I just can't stand the thought that there is anything nice about him)
Labels: Politics